Book "Recess time": it is necessary to eradicate child labor

According to figures from the International Labor Organization (ILO) about 215 million children and adolescents worldwide work. Of these, 14 million make it in Latin America, a reality that captured a group of photographers who traveled to those lands. Hence he was born "Recreation time", a book that shows the need to eradicate child labor in Latin America.

The photographers on their trip met sixteen working children and teenagers. They were interviewed and photographed in their work, with their families. Upon returning to Spain and after selecting the images, they contacted different writers, so that each of them, through the images and interviews, told the story of these children.

The book "Recreation Time" It is a social initiative of the Fundación Telefónica in order to raise awareness in society about the need to eradicate child labor. This is a project that is part of the Proniño Program of the Foundation, which since 1998 contributes to the eradication of child labor in 13 countries in Latin America.

It is more than a book of photographs (beautiful, from what I have seen), because thanks to the images and related stories we want to make visible the harsh social reality of so many children in Latin America.

Both photographs and texts (from writers and writers such as Care Santos, Vicente Molina Foix, Soledad Puértolas, Rosa Regàs, Javier Reverte ...) are interrelated and constitute unique and personal stories of each of these children.

A real, committed, supportive, sensitive and respectful look towards this hard situation before which we cannot close our eyes. The book opens them for us. "Recreation time" shows us and makes us reflect on hard child labor and the exploitation that is the sad reality of millions of children in the world.

Official Site | Fundación Telefónica, Planet of Blank Paper Books | "Playtime", a book to eradicate child labor In Babies and more | Infant education in Latin America, Relationship between child labor and education, World Day against child labor

Video: Kids Book Read Aloud: DAVID GOES TO SCHOOL by David Shannon (May 2024).