Silicone bellies to fake a pregnancy are being a success in China

Done the law done the snare. Or made the profit, cheated. You have to have little sensitivity to get to do something similar, but yes, there are people capable of pretending to be pregnant to get some of the benefits that women do have.

In China silicone bellies are having great success that make women seem really pregnant with those who get the users of the most massive means of transport to give them their seats.

Apparently, even the sellers themselves have the phrase: “You no longer need to queue and every day on the bus you can have a seat”. Silicone bellies cost between 40 and 90 euros and, although initially they were sold as items for costumes, the actual use that is being given to them and how they are being used is precisely for impersonating pregnant women taking advantage of it.

The problem for these "non-mothers" is that, although the bellies were very successful, the trap was unveiled a week ago, when a woman from Beijing appeared in the news after being discovered with a false belly in the subway.

He confessed that since he lives on the outskirts of the city he had bought it so he could be more comfortable in the long daily journeys he makes by subway to his place of work. That day, on one of the trips, passengers noticed that his belly was moving too much and, far from being left with the doubt, they decided to interrogate her, knowing the trick.

Far from feeling too bad for having been discovered, he decided to denounce the selling company for deceptive advertising, since people realized that he was not pregnant and consequently could not enjoy his travels sitting. The Beijing authorities have obviously dismissed the claim, arguing that "If it is used to deceive people, you have to assume the responsibilities."

So that there is variety and not all pregnant women are equal, you can get bellies with different sizes that can be used to vary the gestation time. In addition, for those who want to give the note in a complete way, there are also silicone bellies with which it can be simulated that you are pregnant with twins, triplets or quadruplets. Mother of beautiful Love…

Video: Pregnant For A Day ! 24 Hours With A Pregnancy Belly Challenge (July 2024).