'Different stories for different children': stories that discover to our children the importance of fighting for dreams

María Bautista and Raquel Blázquez have managed to edit 'Different stories for different children' thanks to the funding obtained through the crowfunding campaign, developed from their blog Cuento en vista.

This space in the network has been running for 2010 and aims to become a corner where to discover stories to read before going to sleep or just wake up. This is not the first publication of María and Raquel. In 2010 his book 'Word of tree' received the second prize in the XIII Prize for Illustrated Tales of the Diputación de Badajoz. A small circulation with very little distribution and that, however, with its effort and dedication, managed to sneak into the reading plan of more than a dozen schools in the country and deplete stocks in just nine months, something they repeated with the second Book edition.

The book that we present today is a story with 11 stories that you can discover with the children of the house, and let them learn that 'the different is what makes us unique

What will you find in this story? different characters who try to change their situation with imagination and a lot of willpower. An intention is guessed that children reflect on the need to accept oneself (and others), and also about the importance of fighting for our dreams.

There are 100 pages of the book, which can also be found in e-book format, where text and illustration mix tenderness, emotion and humor. It is the result of long-time work, throughout which the authors have been publishing original stories with their respective illustrations. In 'Different stories for different children', we find a selection of all these works.

Their stories escape from everyday life to look for the other side of things. We will discover that there are streetlights that light up during the day and frogs that are capable of traveling across the world in search of rain. Here you will meet blue rabbits, hippo dancers, cows that want to go to school and gluttonous dragons that want to eat the moon! In these stories boys do not collect cards but drops of water and girls do not want to be princesses but witches

But if you look at Cuento in sight, you will not only find magical and surprising stories, but also you can find news, reviews, activities and games related to children's literature and education. Visit the site, you will not regret it.