Look what a beautiful necklaces !, and best of all, they are super simple to make

To do these beautiful necklaces you only need washers, embroidery thread of different colors, scissors, and a chain to skewer the hoops that will adorn your neck and that of your girls.

As indicated in Design Mom, this could be a great gift for Mother's Day, but as it happened, we can use the idea to increase the fine psychomotor skills of the kids, and incidentally wear handmade ornaments.

With the images you can get an idea of ​​how it is done, but I will try to explain it:

Choose the color with which you will 'bathe' the first washer and make a double thread with which tie to the diameter, from there it is about covering the entire surface as if you were sewing, you can help with a needle to thread wool, but the embroidery thread has enough consistency so that it fits you just by taking the tip between your fingers.

Once you are done, you knot again and if you use the same color directly you pass the thread to the next washer (in the end you would cut the piece that joins them before stroking them in the chain). I like the multicolored model more, although the one of sure raw color that combines very well with any garment.

The final step is to string the colored rings, and ready to wear! Don't you love them? I'm going to cheer up this afternoon.