Dads and Moms Blogs (CXCV)

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with White Log, where Blanca has told us about the wishes of the castro de Baroña, which are the stones that the visitors of the castro de Baroña stack in small mountains, making the landscape more curious. His children, of course, left their wishes there.

In Diving in me We have been able to read an interesting reflection about the blogs of mothers and fathers, of the support network that is created in which it seems that we are all going to one, trying to help us, but where it seems that the same thing happens in real life : Are we community?

In Mom's little battles We have read one of Dad's battles with his son, something like washing the sheets with a diaper inside to see what happens.

In When mom sleeps Marta tells us that they went to the cinema to see Planes and that, as bad as it is, they had to leave within a few minutes because the little one, who is clear about what he wants and what does not, said that he did not want to see it (logical, see who is able to put a bad movie on TV and watch it unintentionally).

In Building a family, Suu tells us and shows us in photo how her little boy's tonsils were. Inflammed but not able because of a virus, which luckily was remitting with the days.

Finally, in the Diary of a pediatrician motherAmalia tells us a little more about her consultation and takes the opportunity to talk about the passage of maternal hormones during childbirth and breastfeeding, which usually cause babies, boys and girls, to have swollen breasts.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.

Video: Every New Emoji in iOS December 2016 Update (July 2024).