Research ensures that boys are more at risk of hypertension than girls

The General University Hospital of Valencia has carried out a prospective study during the last ten years, which reveals that "the risk of developing hypertension is higher in boys than in girls". During the investigation it has been analyzed the long-term prognostic value of masked hypertension during childhood.

This has been done to determine the factors of children with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and thus reverse the tendency of this disease
Another result obtained is that children of hypertensive parents are at greater risk of being hypertensive than children of parents with blood pressure values ​​considered normal. The study included 272 healthy boys between the ages of six and 18, and the results show that masked hypertensive boys developed hypertension more frequently than girls (50% vs. 17%).

Participants were followed up on family history about hypertension, age, presence of overweight and blood pressure, among others; Of all of them, 39 had hidden diagnosed hypertension at the start of the study. The Causes of a higher percentage in children may respond to the different pattern of growth by sex, and the role of hormones.

What is masked arterial hypertension?

There is talk of masked arterial hypertension when a patient shows a blood pressure within the reference values ​​when measured in consultation and yet, outside of it those values ​​rise above what they should. It is estimated that in our country 40% of controlled hypertensives and 10% of the general population suffer from masked hypertension, according to the Spanish Society of Hypertension.

Know hypertension to control other diseases

The importance of this research lies in the demonstration of the need for a diagnosis and early follow-up since masked hypertension (normal blood pressure values ​​in the office and elevated during normal activity) in childhood is a precursor to other pathologies.

On the other hand, one must act not only on children who already have hypertension but also on those at risk, such as children of hypertensive parents or who are overweight or obese. The study demonstrates the importance of delving into the origin of a future disease since its genesis.

From the CHGUV Pediatrics service, the importance of developing prevention campaigns since childhood that help avoid the risk of suffering from different diseases in the adult population.

Hypertension is the most important public health problem in developed countries. Up to 44% of Spanish adults (45% men and 43% women) of middle age (35-65 years) have blood pressure values ​​above those appropriate or are being treated with antihypertensives. The limits considered normal should be 140/90 mm Hg, according to the European guidelines for the treatment of hypertension, however In children, normal values ​​refer to percentiles according to sex, age and size.  

Hypertension is a very serious matter, since it has an unfavorable impact on organs such as the heart, kidneys, brain or blood vessels causing cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases or diabetes, among the most frequent

The results of the research, carried out during ten years in the Unit against cardiovascular risk of the Pediatric Service General Hospital of Valencia, have been published in the Hypertension magazine of the American Heart Association. The University of Leuven (Belgium) and the University of Maastricht (Netherlands) have also collaborated in the research.

Video: 2019 Public Health Ethics Forum: Ethical Dilemmas in Child and Adolescent Health - Part 1 of 6 (July 2024).