Atopic dermatitis: the importance of early detection

Recently the XII World Congress of Pediatric Dermatology has been held, in which interesting conclusions have been obtained on this topic that we often discuss in the blog. It is well known that cases of atopic dermatitis have increased significantly in recent decades, especially in the more developed countries, and which affects children above all.

It is important early detection of this pathology that in Spain affects between 10% and 20% of children. Atopic dermatitis has been increased 200-300% in the last 30 years, and 90% of children experience this disease before the age of five, being the second most frequent cause of visiting the dermatologist.

Recall that atopic dermatitis is due to a reaction (similar to an allergy) in the skin, which leads to continuous swelling and redness. People with this disease may be more sensitive because their skin lacks certain proteins, such as phylagrin.

Atopic dermatitis is more common in babies and can begin even at the age of two to six months. Many people overcome it over time in early adulthood. Itching, inflammation, peeling and severe cases of eczema and wounds are some of the symptoms of the disease.

Atopic dermatitis tends to erupt when exposed to irritating factors such as: industrial chemical solvents, detergents, tobacco smoke, bleaching paints, wool, acidic and / or astringent foods, skin care products that contain alcohol and some soaps and perfumes.

As we see, most of these triggers are typical of modern life, and from here could come the explanation for the tremendous increase in recent years.

Regarding the treatment of atopic dermatitis, education / training must be combined for those affected, elimination of triggers, cosmetic skin care, and pharmacological treatment indicated by the specialist.

During the changes of temperature and season it is when the disease becomes more severe and the appearance of acute outbreaks is more common. Occasionally, the process that begins with an outbreak of dermatitis can weaken the skin's protective barrier and the immune system may be affected.

Therefore, it is very common for patients with atopic dermatitis to develop other diseases in the long term, especially allergies, rhinitis or asthma. Thus, early detection in babies with atopic dermatitisIt is essential to control the disease and that there are fewer allergic adults.

Video: Eczema atopic dermatitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).