Bo and Yana are two nice robots for children to learn to program

Writing code is building process sequences and for a child of four or five years it can be easy to perform if they are provided with the right tools. This is the objective of this project, for children to learn to program with music, telling stories and developing long and complex sequences in an intuitive and direct way.

Bo and Yana they are the robots that the Vikas Gupta investor has invented with his partners, to carry out this mission. They are specifically created for preschoolers to learn the basics of programming. Gupta's challenge is to ensure that in the future children who learn to program and manage in process language can respond to the next technological challenges that are coming

The kids have to use a very visual program on the iPad in which they drag components on a map. What is really done is to generate code that will produce effects on the robots once the command chain is built. Thus, when the child tells the application that it has finished, the instructions are sent to one of the robots via bluetooth. And Bo (the biggest) or Yana (the smallest) executes it taking into account that they have movement, lights and sounds to reproduce them

The project has already obtained funding obtained through crowdfunding, far exceeding 130% of what was initially planned. I recommend taking a look at the page because for 200 dollars (more than 140 euros), plus 20 dollars (more than 14 euros) if you are outside the United States, you can get the pack with the two robots. Yana can be purchased for 49 dollars (35 euros approximately). Shipments will be made throughout the summer of 2014. We must have confidence in the project until then and hope that other manufacturers do not move part faster. I remember that it takes the iPad to install the program that connects with the robots.

Bo is the short name for Robot while Yana It is the contraction of You are not alone.

This is the video that explains the operation of Bo and Yana (in English):

It seems to me a most beautiful project and a very appealing toy for children who are very curious, wanting to experiment with the processes and causes and effects that produce them. Somehow children's toys are drifting to systems that stimulate their curiosity and encourage them to experiment, understand things and learn to change them. In our childhood time we had to be aware of discovering the possibilities that the toy had, which were finite. These toys however allow you to build multiple game options, to infinity and beyond. It also seems to me that the creators of the project hope that programs and applications can still be adjusted to allow for more functionality. I don't think it takes us long to see how a child invents some application of these robots for some interesting business.

The challenge I think is for toy companies They have to be very attentive to see how these products evolve and especially how children will use them. I think it is a line to follow and that LEGO is well resolved, for example, with very powerful and recognized school programs.

Is very interesting the effort of Gupta and its partners at the launch of this project because it encourages children as they play to discover, learn and practice. I think it will help change the way children play and will have consequences for them when they grow up because it will bring them critical insight and cause-effect analysis. He main obstacle of this type of toys is the need to practice and learn That is why the LEGO people have it very well resolved with their program for schools. Bo and Yana need a sponsor that children be taken to practice, share experiences and have fun competing. Surely we will see it very soon.

Video: Wonder Workshop - robots helping kids learn to code (July 2024).