Is our society prepared to prevent, confront and make visible Child Sexual Abuse?

In this country there are issues that are talked about (in general) little, which belong hidden behind invisible curtains, one of them reminds us that Child Sexual Abuses exist, and also that we seem to be living in a society little prepared (or with little interest) to prevent them, face them and make them visible.

It is true that lately we are attending news that at least are chilling (minors who have suffered abuse by teachers in charge of those who were); and I sincerely hope that they serve to open our eyes a little more and stop denying a sadly everyday reality, and more sadly even hidden.

I am very sorry for an outdated vision that nevertheless seems to have taken a deep breath: there are still people who dare to re-victimize the “victims” or their families, as if reporting the ASI suffered was a plate of taste. As if the girls and boys who suffer from them do not have enough to be marked and have to rebuild the pieces of their fragile lives
The effort of entities such as the Vicki Berdadet foundations, or RANA (and others) is not banal, and is serving among other things to form and inform, to cut off that remorse that seems to accompany us, No modern society should continue with its back to this problem!

What have we not heard yet? We remember that studies in Spain (Dr. Felix López in 1994) and in other countries, point to some figures that should make us bring our hands to our heads (then act): “One in five girls, and one in six boys” could suffer abuse during childhood. And more than 80 percent of the time, ASIs are committed by people around the children (which includes family members, neighbors, teachers ...)

An ASI does not have to be a violation, but obviously any form of physical contact (with or without carnal access) imposed on a child is inadmissible. As is the manipulation of a child for pornographic purposes, or talk about obscene issues, or make explicit verbal propositions. On the RANA website you have more information about “What is Child Sexual Abuse”, and about possible indicators, or how to act. All of them are topics that, in a way, we have contributed to spread from Peques and More.

It would be desirable for the occult to give way to greater information and awareness, and to brave attitudes of those who are willing to protect (really) children. Because today's children will be adults of tomorrow, and many times the problems caused by being a victim accompany the rest of life.

Let's focus on prevention, but also on avoid the associated risks when the child is not taken seriously. The opposite is indifference, and this makes it even more difficult to detect situations of abuse, and perpetuates the dominant role of aggressors.

And as Vicki Bernadet pointed out in the interview that we did 'we all have responsibility if we know the facts, because there is an obligation to protect minors'.

Video: How Do We Deal With Michael Jackson & R. Kelly's Abuse Allegations? For The Record (May 2024).