Pediatrics and general medicine are the specialties most demanded by patients in Internet medical appointments

The company SaludOnNet prepares an annual report on how we manage patients the relationship with medical professionals and especially what is the development and implementation of the online medical appointment. The challenge is to know the activity of the patient on the Internet in Spain and develop a user profile as accurate as possible. In the report, with data from 2013, based on information from 35,000 appointments, all data have been analyzed according to sex, month, week, specialty, specialist and insurance company to which the medical professional belongs. In the graph you can see the percentage that has the use of Internet and mobile devices in appointments, the rest up to 100 I understand that they are those that are made since the consultation.

The report concludes that pediatrics Y general medicine They are the specialties most demanded by patients in online medical appointments. Among the main conclusions of the report it is indicated that Online medical appointment request is increased by 35% of the platform compared to 2012, especially through mobile devices. Also that 6 out of 10 users Online medical appointment are women, that the Monday It is the day of the week with the highest volume of appointments requested, with 24% and that on Sundays the requests for medical appointments online are increasing using mobile terminals. Among the most prominent professionals of this type of services are the pediatrician Feijoo conception in Madrid and the traumatologist of Castellón Eduardo Delgado. And, as he explains, César Alonso Peña, an eHealth expert, "the new technologies help in the doctor / patient relationship. They are efficient, tighter and with fewer errors."

The month of November (10.73%) is the time of year that includes the higher volume of online medical appointments requested by patients, ahead of the traditionally intense months in terms of other pathologies or allergies refers, for example, April and May, with 9.75% and 9.65% respectively. The type profile of the user of the online medical appointment is mostly the woman and not only for herself, but for the whole family, being very active in pediatrics or gynecology consultations.

The greatest asset of the online medical appointment is the real-time reservation management from any device, allowing patients the possibility of make their assessments to doctors and clinics and thus be able to help other users who demand the same doctors / specialties.

Carlos Falcato He is the founder of SaludOnNet that explains that given the possibility of choosing a doctor, more than 6 out of 10 patients say that the punctuality of the specialist is the most relevant criterion when choosing the doctor, followed by the friendliness of the professional, and the recommendation of other patients.

In my case I really like to use the online medical appointments although I think he still has a long way to go. In any case I have not used the SaludOnNet platform and I hope that the hospitals I have to go to do not wait long to adopt it. My experience with the phone is much faster and more direct, besides allowing me to close the appointment in seconds. The main problem is when a Center with a very better telephone management is called, that's when solutions are demanded and I hope that SaludOnNet can bring experience and knowledge. Because what we value patients, in my case at least, is to generate an appointment without waiting, fast, direct, that can be canceled, because there are always unforeseen last minute and also that can be done from any device to be able to do it where it is want.

SaludOnNet is an ehealth reference platform in Spain that aims to improve the quality of patient care and efficiency of the sector through integrated information and management systems. Its online medical appointment platform allows you to search for health professionals, make a reservation in real time from any device and encourage patients to value their doctors and clinics. At the moment SaludOnNet is used by six insurers in Spain, with more than 18,000 doctors and more than 45,000 registered users. In the application there are more than 10,000 patient ratings.

Video: Johns Hopkins Telemedicine: Connecting Patients to Exceptional Virtual Care (July 2024).