Dads and moms blogs (CCXXVIII)

Like every Tuesday, we look at the ma (pa) earthly blogosphere to share with you some of the content that has been published in recent days in the moms and dads blogs.

We start with Neither blog nor blog that tells us an anecdote about the baptism of her little one, one of the first decisions to be made when the baby is born. Do you have any similar?

Three blueberries It is the blog of an eco-manic mom who teaches us different types of homemade yogurt and explains the benefits of fermented foods. We will have to try them ...

An entry that I liked a lot in recent days I found it in the blog of Amalia Arce, a pediatrician mom. He is short but very clear and talks about the stigma of the psychological problems of the children of separated. Not always the problems of the children should be attributed to that.

In the corner of Coks Fenestra de We are multiple They address a very interesting topic about multiple: when they realize they are twins. Being aware that they are twins is a concept that is not easy for young children to understand.

Finally, in Educating four Elena tells us all about the bilingual birthday party of her little boy, who has completed three years in France.

So far, our tour of the dad and mum blogs this week. As we always tell you, if you have a blog in which you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: Embarrassing Beach Day - Summer Funny Skits - Miss Mom Vlogs : Sketch Comedy. GEM Sisters (July 2024).