Twins born by caesarean section have higher risks of presenting problems in their psychological development

Over the years, Several studies have shown that the type of delivery can influence the development and health of the baby, such as the risk of allergies, cognitive development, as well as some immunological differences.

In all of them, it is shown that being born by natural means will always be the best, and that caesarean sections should be performed only in case of a problem. Now, a new study found that in cases of twin birth, being born by caesarean section increases the likelihood of twins having problems in their psychological development.

Published in the magazine Frontiers in Psychology, the study conducted by researchers of Medicine and Psychology of the University of Malaga, analyzed the effects of the type of childbirth on the psychological development and intelligence of twins.

In Babies and more A new study finds that the way of birth and cognitive development could be related

To do this, the births of 160 twins were analyzed, of which 55% were births by vaginal delivery and the remaining 45% by caesarean sections. He conducted various tests of intelligence and neuropsychological and psychopedagogical development, which were subsequently contrasted with all the perinatal and obstetric information of each one, such as the type of birth, the age of the mother, the birth weight, among other things.

At the end of the analysis and compare the data, they found that children who had a lower intellectual level and cognitive development were born by caesarean section. These results are linked to the series of studies that have found that cesarean births affect the development of babies in the short and long term.

In the study's conclusions, the authors point out:

"Statistically significant differences were found for verbal development, nonverbal development and global development, as well as the general intelligence between the mean and the average ranges obtained by the 84 children born by vaginal delivery and those from the 40 born by caesarean section" .

How should multiple births be?

Some time ago we shared an article with everything you need to know about multiple births, and in it, we answered one of the most frequently asked questions: vaginal delivery or caesarean section?

Previously, there was a belief that all twin or multiple births should be by caesarean section, but several studies conducted in recent years have shown that a multiple pregnancy does not have to end in caesarean section and that a vaginal delivery is safer, since it reduces the risk of natal morbidity.

In addition, another study in twins found that Caesarean section really does not provide any benefit compared to vaginal delivery, and does not represent a significant increase or decrease in the risk of fetal or neonatal death compared to vaginal delivery.

Then, the recommendation for a twin pregnancy would be similar to that of a simple pregnancy: if the pregnancy takes place normally and without complications, and if the first baby is fitted, a vaginal delivery will be the best option, and the caesarean section should be performed only in case of emergency or complications.

Photos | iStock
Via | ABC

Video: Twin-Twin Transfusion Medical Animation. Cincinnati Fetal Center (May 2024).