How to educate children with self-confidence and courage

Emotional education during childhood is one of the most important aspects of our children's development. With it, we will not only help our children during this process of learning to recognize and manage their emotions, but we will prepare them with the tools necessary for them to become happy adults.

An essential aspect that we must promote at an early age is to strengthen their security and self-confidence. We share some tips to educate children with self-confidence and courage.

The basis of everything: your self-esteem

There is a lot of talk about strengthening children's self-esteem (here we have dealt with the issue several times and from different points of view), but do you know why it is mentioned so much? Why Good self-esteem is the basis of many emotional skills necessary for your child to be happy.

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When a child has healthy self-esteem, he can develop the tools and strength necessary to face better prepared for life, as well as all the challenges and challenges that come your way.

Also have good self-esteem helps to have better emotional and psychological health, avoiding the probability of having problems such as anxiety or depression, or of presenting difficulties in controlling negative emotions such as frustration.

As we have spoken on various occasions about self-esteem, we will focus directly on the central point of this article: educate children with self-confidence and courage, that if we look carefully, It has some similarities with the bases to strengthen your self-esteem.

How to educate children with self-confidence and courage

Self-confidence, as the name says, is self-confidence. This usually manifests itself and is useful at certain key moments, such as when we have to do something or make a decision. Have self-confidence, is to have the confidence and security that we are capable of doing things.

Courage, on the other hand, refers to the determination or strength of will we have to act in situations, such as facing certain problems, difficulties or obstacles. As we can imagine or deduce, in order to be brave we need to trust ourselves, so that both go hand in hand.

And how can we help our children to trust themselves? Accompanying them while they are gradually discovering and knowing their abilities, with actions such as the following:

Promoting and motivating their autonomy

A fundamental pillar for children to be able to trust themselves is their autonomy. By allowing them to start doing things for themselves, begin to know and develop their abilities, as well as to take the first steps towards its independence and self-sufficiency.

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Allowing them to try (and make mistakes)

A key point for children to continue exploring their autonomy and eventually building their confidence is giving them space and permission to try and fail. Let him experience, try and make a mistake so that he gradually learns to do things for himself, but accompany him close by when he needs your help and guidance.

Recognizing your effort

Just as you must show your support when you are wrong, you must also recognize the effort you make and the goals you reach. However, remember that while It is very good that you validate your effort to develop self-confidence, you should avoid falling into praise or exaggerated praise.

Motivating them to be optimistic

We all face problems at some point in our lives, that is inevitable. Therefore, it is important to teach children to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, which it will help them to face problems better, making them understand that most of them are passengers.

Teaching them to trust their abilities

Sometimes, it is possible that in certain obstacles our children feel intimidated or do not believe they can do it alone. As parents, we must recognize and remind them of the positive capabilities they have and if necessary, explain how they can help you overcome the obstacles that arise.

Respecting what they have to say

Listening to our children is not only necessary to create a bond with them, but to realize that they have their own voice and the ability to use it, if we don't listen to them, how will they learn to raise their voices?

Encouraging them to express their emotions

Finally, we can think that courage is to be sure and firm in certain moments, but while it is true that determination and security are related to it, the being brave is also born of the freedom to express our emotions, even those that do not relate to bravery, such as crying.

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The self-confidence and courage They are two important skills that we must foster from childhood, not only so that our children have the ability to follow their dreams and raise their voice, but to be adults with the emotional intelligence necessary for a happy life.

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Video: 3 Tips to Raise Self-Confident Children (May 2024).