When to bathe the baby for the first time in the pool or at sea?

Finally summer is here, your baby's first summer. If you are a recent parent, you will be looking forward to bathing your baby for the first time in the pool or at sea. A few days ago we gave you some tips to keep in mind at the time of the baby's first bath in the pool and also in the sea if you are lucky enough to go to the beach.

One of the questions you have asked us in relation to the subject is when you can bathe the baby for the first time in the pool or at sea. So, we answer you.

The first bathroom

It is recommended that the baby's first bath, either in the pool or in the sea, be From 6 months old. There are even those who do not recommend it until the first year as it happens in Belgium, because of the risk of infections and allergies.

In Spain there is no recommended age, but matronation is a recommended practice provided that the hygiene of the facilities and water are suitable for small babies.

Nor does it imply that before six months you cannot bring the baby to the water, wet it with your hand or play with your feet in the water with the necessary precautions.

In Babies and more The first baby bath in the pool: nine tips

Beware of the sun

Before six months, babies are extremely vulnerable to sun exposure and the use of sunscreen creams is not recommended, but rather use physical barriers (shirt, umbrella, hat). Therefore, the best recommendation is to keep the baby in the shade and not in the sea or in the pool in full sunlight.

Watch out for water

Seawater is more beneficial to the skin than chlorinated water. However, the skin of the newborn is very sensitive, and the saltpeter may cause itching.

For its part, the water in the pools contains chlorine and other chemicals that can affect the delicate skin of the baby. In addition, the pools, especially to which many people go, are microorganism culture broth which can cause skin irritations or cause infections in the eyes and ears of the baby.

If your baby has atopic dermatitis or eczema it is preferable to wait a few more months for the first swim in the pool.

Anyway, remember that the bathrooms should not exceed 10 minutes, try not to get water in the eyes or ears and always shower the baby with fresh water after bathing to remove any remaining chlorine or saltpeter.

Inflatable pool, when?

A resource that parents use a lot is that of the inflatable pool with a little water to cool the baby and that he can play there quietly with his toys without splashes or wave movements.

Water, if it's from the tap, better. If it is seawater, what we mentioned before, check that it tolerates the saltpeter and rinse after bathing. In any case, renew the water frequently.

It is always convenient for the baby be able to sit by yourself and of course, that he is guarded at all times. Remember that a few centimeters of water are enough to cause drowning.

In Babies and more Baby's first bath at sea: eleven tips

Now comes the consultation: my baby is 5 months old, can she bathe in an inflatable pool? If you cannot avoid waiting until you turn six months, nothing will happen for a few days, but first of all, common sense and take all the precautions. You must bathe accompanied by an adult, just a few minutes to cool off without getting cold, with tap water somewhat warm and in the shade.

I hope that with these tips you can fully enjoy the first bath in the pool or in the sea With your baby

Video: When a baby elephant sees the sea for the first time! (June 2024).