Dads and moms blogs: when they say no to everything, the sensitivity of a father and more

Today is a review of moms and dads blogs, so we have been diving a little through the net to see what parents have shared with us these days: wishes, concerns, lessons, life lessons and anecdotes for all those who want to know them a little more and for those who want to know what things happen in the world of motherhood and fatherhood.

We leave you below with a selection of the entries that, for one reason or another, we have found more interesting:

In Parenting Shelter A mother has told us about the week in which the mystery is revealed, week 20, the one whose ultrasound already tells what the sex of the baby is and in which it looks better if everything goes well. And by the way, he explained to us what are some of the myths with which "the sex of the baby is known: great that says that if you are beautiful is a boy because girls steal beauty from the mother.

In Be trimester A mother tells us how she has taken advantage of the summer dresses that her daughter has run small, giving them a second chance. A magnificent idea, while cool.

In Colorful fish saraciria tells us about the Rhythms, how they change as their daughter grows and how they will change when after September school begins. The uncertainty in the eyes of his daughter and in the words of his mother.

In Peineta, Pintxos and Co. the mother of the monillo tells us that her little daughter is in the stage of no, that she is really a child, and that she has entered through everything big, so big that she already says no before you ask her, and so with all. And his mother, because he explains it with great grace but with symptoms of that strange madness that seems to take hold of you when you no longer know where to throw.

In Not without my children A mother tells us when is the best time to take the children to the beach or the pool for the first time, and also gives us some related advice.

In A dad in practice, Adrià has given us some beautiful words for her daughter in a post entitled Tomorrow. The difference of today seen with the eyes of his daughter and his, and of tomorrow, also seen with the eyes of both, and the sincerity of a father with a special sensitivity.

In Neither blog nor blog One of the mothers who compose it explains what she accepts from motherhood and what she does not give up, because she loves being a mother but also loves being herself.

In Mom (against) current Eva tells us about how she has lost 5 kilos modifying habits, after realizing that after the baby's pregnancy the gut was not going less, but more, and began to have symptoms that something was not going well.

To finish, in A dad like Darth Vader Carlos gives us a reflection on the typical phrase that parents tell us after leaving the children in the nursery or school: if then it is ok ... Yes, we know that they will stop crying, but it is very hard to see that come in suffering, and the "if then it is well" does not always indicate what goes inside.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.

Video: Unhealthy Mother Daughter Relationships (July 2024).