Roast beef. Baked meat recipe with sauce

Today we are going to prepare a roast beef, a recipe for baked meat with sauce, which the whole family enjoys. It is also a very simple recipe that you can have made in advance and warm up at the last moment so it is perfect for family gatherings, celebrations and other similar events.

You will see how tender the meat is, how tasty the sauce is and how much everyone likes it simple recipe, the ones that come out at the first and of those that are stored in our memory, because they will ask you again and again. Do not stop doing it with the cut of meat that you like as corner, round, shoulder or against. Let them advise you about the butcher and put it into practice in the next few days.

Ingredients for 6 people

  • A corner of veal of 1.5 kg (it can be any other cut of meat ideal for roasting that you like), 2 large onions, meat broth, a dash of soy sauce, three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

How to make a roast of veal baked for the whole family

Chop the onion in julienne and place it in a baking dish. We add a pinch of salt, a dash of soy sauce, and we put it in the oven while it is preheating to 190º with heat up and down.

While the oven is heating up, we brown the piece of meat that we will have asked the butcher to put it in, so that it does not lose its shape. In a pan with three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, we leave the meat two or three minutes on each side and when it is golden brown, we put it in the oven on the bed of onions that will be starting to cook.

After 30 minutes, we turn the meat and add a glass of meat broth (approximately 250 ml) and let it cook for another 30 minutes. Once the meat is done, turn off the oven and let our roast rest for another 15 minutes before cutting the meat so that the juices are preserved and distributed well.

With a sharp knife, we cut the piece of meat into thin fillets and we pass the sauce with the blender so that it is clean and smooth and our children do not protest the texture. We serve immediately or save for when it suits us. In this case it will be enough to heat the fillets that we are going to eat in the sauce and that's it.

Processing time | 1 hour and 15 minutes
Difficulty | Easy


The roast beef recipe that we have prepared with this corner is ideal for family meals, when we should have a dish made in advance to have time for ours. With a simple salad of lettuce buds and cherry tomatoes halved, you will see how you enjoy this quick and easy recipe for the whole family.

Video: How to Cook Perfect Roast Beef. Jamie Oliver (May 2024).