You almost lost your baby from postural asphyxiation: be careful with the prolonged use of car seats!

When we travel with our baby on the road, it is essential to take him in an adequate child restraint system, and meet the recommendation of the experts on the maximum time that must remain in this type of seats. And there are several studies that link problems of postural asphyxiation of the baby with the prolonged use of these child restraint systems.

Kirsti and Christopher Clark were unaware of this recommendation, and were about to lose their newborn baby. Therefore, they wanted to share their story and alert other families of the dangers of improper use and prolonging of car seats.

A scene they will never forget

The events occurred when the couple and their two daughters, three-year-old Malena and three-week-old Harper, arrived home after more than an hour and a half trip because of the rush hour traffic.

As their eldest daughter had fallen asleep during the journey, they decided to leave the baby resting in her car seat for 15 more minutes, while they put Malena in bed. Total, Harper remained in the car seat for about two hours, and when they went to take it out they realized that something was happening:

"My husband pulled Harper from his chair and put her on her knees, but it seemed as if the girl was not comfortable, so we laid her in her crib. However, there she also seemed uncomfortable and kept kicking" - recalls Kirsti.

"I noticed that her lips were starting to turn blue, and my husband also alerted me to the color of her cheeks too red. We quickly took her out of the crib and saw that something was wrong."

In Babies and more Postural or positional asphyxiation: why babies should not sleep in car seats

At that moment, while Christopher held his daughter in his arms, Harper pressed his lips and began to expel white foam through his nose and mouth. Her mother tried desperately to open it to avoid swallowing her tongue, but the girl had her jaws tightly clenched. In that instant, he arched his back and threw his head back.

The couple quickly put their daughters in the car and headed to the hospital, on a short but distressing trip, according to Kirsti:

"The car trip was awful. I was just trying to make sure my daughter was breathing, but I was shaking so much that I couldn't see it clearly. During the five minutes that the journey lasted, all I thought was that we were going to lose her."

The baby had been deprived of oxygen

Already in the hospital, doctors quickly reversed the situation, and after getting Harper to breathe again without difficulty, they performed a series of tests to find out what had happened to him. But when they knew that the baby had been in the car seat for two hours, found the explanation.

The doctors informed the couple that during the two hours that Harper had remained in his car seat, he suffered an oxygen deprivation. When he took it out and regained normal breathing, he suffered the shock.

The tests confirmed that Harper was healthy, and despite the fact that the child restraint system he used was safe and consistent with his age, doctors informed them that I shouldn't stay in it for more than an hourWell, over that time any baby could suffer from lack of oxygen.

"When the doctors told us that it was the chair of the car that had caused that, I could not believe it. I could not understand why no one had ever warned us. I had heard that babies should not spend the night in these seats. because their back is curved, but never anything related to the risk of suffocation and car travel "- his mother lamented.

Harper's parents told what happened in their environment, and then they realized that many families were unaware of this important fact, so they decided to make their story public to raise awareness among all parents about the correct use of car seats in newborn or young babies.

"Our daughter was only in the car seat for two hours and we almost lost her. It is important to pay attention to this, do not use the seats if we are not traveling, and follow the safety criteria of the experts. It's horrible what we had to live "- warns Kirsti.

What is postural asphyxia and why does it occur?

What happened to Harper is called "postural or positional asphyxiation," and it occurs because the air flow is cut due to the position taken by the baby in this type of seats.

Newborns do not have enough strength to hold the back and head, and when sitting in these chairs, their spine adopts the form of a very pronounced C that makes it difficult for the chest and abdomen to expand to breathe. In addition, the head falls forward, the chin touches the chest and the trachea closes, making breathing more difficult.

Consequently, increase the risk of bradycardia (the heart goes slower than it should), of apneas (the baby stops breathing for a few seconds) and oxygen desaturation (less oxygen reaches the blood), so if the posture is not remedied the consequences can be fatal.

In Babies and moreChairs for the car: the basic information that every parent should know

Numerous studies in this regard

There are several studies that have been published in this regard, and that warn of the dangers that this position causes in babies for a long time.

Pediatrics published in 2001 a study in which they observed 50 full-term newborns and 50 premature 36-week-olds sitting for 60 minutes in an approved car seat. On average, the oxygen saturation of all babies dropped from 97% to 94%, but 7 of the babies (3 premature and 4 full-term) had an oxygen saturation of less than 90% for 20 minutes. 12% of premature babies suffered apnea (the baby stops breathing for a few seconds) or bradycardia (the heart goes slower than it should).

In 2002 another study evaluated the status of 15 newborns when they were lying in a crib or sitting in a chair. The average oxygen saturation when they were sitting was 95.8% by 98.8% when they were lying.

The Lullaby Trust Foundation, a charity that funds research on child deaths, conducted a study in 2016 about the effects it has on babies to pass prolonged periods of time in car seats.

The study concluded that significant decreases in oxygen saturation were similar in premature infants and full-term babies, so they considered it important to publish the conclusions in order to alert families.

"In general, little information is offered to parents about the possible health risks of the baby associated with staying in car seats for a long time. We advise parents to avoid traveling in cars with premature babies or newborns for long periods. of time "- they report in the study of the Lullaby Trust Foundation.

On the other hand, another investigation carried out by the Children's Hospital Medical Center of Ohio, warned that the main cause of death during the first year of a baby is related to sleep, and the incorrect use of this type of seats It plays a fundamental role.

"Car seats should not be used outside the vehicle For the children to sleep. In addition, when used for the vehicle, the braces must be properly fastened "- indicated the researchers of this study.

Safety tips for traveling by car

As we commented at the beginning of the post, car seats are very important, necessary and essential to transport the baby by road.

But we must pay attention to a series of tips that will help avoid the risk of postural asphyxia when we use them:

  • The car seats are for the car

This is one of the first premises that we have to keep in mind: car seats they should only be used inside the car and for the purpose for which they were designed, and that is to protect the baby during road trips.

Therefore, they should not be used for another purpose, or use them as a hammock or as a "cradle" for the baby to sleep in them.

  • Watch the baby's posture

A few years ago, the use of car seats of group 0 (from 0 to 9 kilos) or 0+ (from 0 to 13 kg) was somewhat limited, but today we can find in the market a host of models and brands that allow us to recline the seat to such an extent, that it would prevent the baby from adopting the posture we have told you.

As explained by the Mapfre Foundation in its manual "Safe babies and children in the car":

"The baby you should not travel too erect (the head could fall towards the sternum) not too lying (the baby carrier would not protect you optimally). An intermediate position between the horizontal and the vertical is advisable, although it is always essential to consult the instruction manual of the seat "

The reducing cushionsIn addition to providing greater comfort to the baby, they are also an important safety measure as they offer greater ergonomics, support to the seat and ensure proper posture of the baby.

In most cases, reducers are usually incorporated when we acquire a child restraint system, although if this is not the case, they can be purchased independently. It is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding its use, although it is normal to use them until 3-6 months of the baby, depending on the weight of the child and the chair model.

We have to make sure that the baby goes straight in the car seat and that its head is aligned with the body.
  • Harnesses are not just a safety element

Properly fastening the harnesses of the chair is fundamental, not only as a safety measure but because a correct adjustment of the same minimizes the risks of postural asphyxiation.

The straps should not be so tight as to press the baby's chest, but they should not have much slack either. The important is that hold the body and shoulders firmly, sticking them to the backrest and preventing it from bending forward.

  • Do not exceed the recommended time

In any case, and regardless of the above recommendations, experts advise that babies do not stay in car seats for a long time; being recommended between 30 minutes and an hour and a half maximum.

In addition, it is essential to make frequent stops when we travel with our baby on the road. These should last between 15 or 20 minutes, and you have to take advantage of them to remove them from the chair and allow them to stretch, change positions and oxygenate.

  • Surveillance

It is also advisable that, whenever possible, an adult travel in the back of the vehicle next to the baby's chair, watching him at all times (especially if we talk about newborns). The "baby-watch" mirrors that are placed inside the vehicle are also a great help.

In Babies and More Why babies can not be more than an hour and a half in the car seat, Crying in the car: how to prepare a long trip with your baby, Car seats can affect the oxygenation of children What is sudden infant death syndrome?

Video: EMT 7-1: Pediatric (July 2024).