Breastfeeding while pregnant

We have already commented that it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. There are many women who conceive while they are breastfeeding and one of the most common questions that assail them upon learning is if the new pregnancy is compatible with breastfeeding. The answer is emphatically yes.

There are specialists who advise against it and recommend weaning, but that is not necessary. Withdrawing breastfeeding abruptly can cause unnecessary trauma to the baby who does not understand why the teat is denied overnight. Whenever mom and baby want, there are no contraindications if we talk about a pregnancy without risks.

Myths circulate that breastfeeding can harm the fetus or cause an abortion, but these beliefs are totally false. There is no reason for you to stop feeding your child if you are waiting for another. On the contrary, it is beneficial for all three.

What is certain is that the hormones present in pregnancy can cause a decrease in milk production or change its taste because colostrum begins to occur around the 5th month. Because of these two circumstances, the child may lose interest in breastfeeding. In fact, 60% of children are weaned by themselves, although some are reengaged later once the baby is born.

It is also true that nipples in pregnancy become very sensitive, especially during the first trimester and sucking can make some mothers uncomfortable.

It is proven that the suction can cause contractions, but these are cut as soon as the child stops breastfeeding, so unless medical indication for the threat of abortion or premature delivery it is not necessary to stop breastfeeding.

There are mothers who are proud to feed their child while they are pregnant, but for others the experience may not be so idyllic.

This phenomenon is known as breastfeeding agitation, in which the mother experiences a feeling of irritation and sometimes even rejects the breastfeeding baby. It is a reaction that can make the mother feel guilty, but it is an instinctive behavior that she cannot control. For these cases, it is best to seek the right support.

Once the baby is born, tandem breastfeeding (simultaneous breastfeeding of two or more children) can be continued without any problem, now with a proper tit for each. The mothers who practice it say that seeing both children breastfeed at the same time is a wonderful experience.