Educational games for children: guess what is behind the car window

Whether you do a long car trip with children as if you circulate around the city, you are probably somewhat desperate to find ways to distract children in the car that move away from the mythical DVD that we like so little but such good results brings.

There is a game that you can do yourselves at homeEven your children can do it. Is a Educational game, very funny and that will keep the children's interest for a long time.

It consists of making a frame (window) with a folio or any sheet drawing in the frame several geometric shapes (round, triangle, square, rectangle, oval, pentagon, diamond ...), colors, numbers, letters ... and everything it occurs to you that it could be related to what is on the other side of the window!

I have created some templates in case you want to print them (I advise you to plasticize them to last longer and print them on thick paper or cardboard).

How to play

The idea is to focus on an object, color, letter or number and find, through the frame, the elements that we see the same in our field of vision. If our child still does not read, we can circle the letter we want him to look for. We can let the elders choose the letter, number, color or figure they want.

Once the child has found the object he is looking for, you can ask them to describe that object.

With this game we will get the children to develop basic concepts Y descriptive language, as well as read letters and numbers to the little ones.

Printable templates: you have to click on the image with the right mouse button and click on “save as” and then print it, the measurement is exactly that of a DIN A4 (folio). You will tell me what you think about the game and if your children liked it!

Video: Animal noises. Guess who is behind the door. Kids games. Early learning (June 2024).